Billing model

Each deal will be assigned a billing model which dictates the number of billing items for the deal and when they can be billed.

The billing model for a specific deal is set by the dropdown menu in the upper right hand corner of the deal. When you create a new deal, this field will be populated by the default billing model set by your company administrator - At delivery in the following example.

Do note that the billing model doesn't specify when you actually do invoice. It rather specifies the earliest date the system allow the users to invoice. It helps you make sure the client isn't invoiced too early. The billing items will show up in Billing where one can sort by Earliest billing date to make sure everything that CAN be invoiced is invoiced.

At delivery

The billing model called At delivery set the billing items to reflect the fulfillment dates specified in the corresponding Channel. For example, if the print date for an issue is set to June 1, then June 1 will be the billing date for that billing item.

The following example shows how the billing items have been sorted by Earliest billing date.

Traditionally, this is how magazines bill their clients. From a cashflow perspective it's not the best model though. Note that to the right of the billing model field, there is a dropdown for Payment terms. That field can certainly be set to Due upon receipt, but even that does not set a firm date for when the invoices have to be paid. And if it's set to 30 days, which is the standard in many countries, then you have to wait 30 days past your fulfillment date to get paid.

In advance

The billing model In advance sets today's date for all billing items. This is useful in case you want to bill the client immediately for the entire deal. Obviously, this model will be the most cashflow positive model for you.

In advance, per delivery

The billing model In advance, per delivery sets the billing date to 30 days prior to the Channel's fulfillment date. This is useful in case you want to drive a positive cashflow but still connect the billing to your fulfillment process.


The billing model 50/50 splits each original billing item into two. One is set to bill 30 days in advance and the other one is set to the fulfillment date. This is useful in case you want to improve your cashflow slightly compared to just billing upon fulfillment.

By installment

The billing model By installment allow you to bill in installments. This is especially useful in case you are creating large deals that contains content from several channels.

By default, the number of installments are set to 12 and today's date for the first payment, but this is something you can edit.

In the following example, we have changed the number of installments to three.

You can also edit the billing items, both the values and the items description, which is very useful if you're working with installments. Don't forget to click the Update link to the left of the billing item, circled in green.

The value numbers will update as you update the billing item to make sure the total value number is remains the same as shown in the example below.

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