Contacting support

How to contact support if you are a user

The quickest and easiest way to get support from our team is to use the chat in the lower left corner of RunMags.

Just click it, ask your question, and we'll get to it as soon as we can. Since you're logged into RunMags, our chat platform will automatically detect who you are and which company you're working for.

In case we are busy with other matters or you are contacting us outside of business hours, your question will go into our support queue so it won't get lost.

How to ask questions or report issues

When you have a question on a certain function in RunMags, please provide a bit of context to what you're trying to do. Where in the navigation menu on the left hand side are you? Which form are you trying to add something to? Provide a screenshot if possible, then you don't have to write as much.

When to run matters through your system administrator

If you are trying to accomplish bigger things like importing files, setting up new product inventory, setting up portals, etc. you should primarily reach out to your system administrator for help. As part of the setup of RunMags we train system administrators and power users on how to do those things. These individuals should be your first line support.

Providing feedback to RunMags

Your system administrator should also be collecting user feedback on a regular basis and, based on overall company objectives, funnel that feedback to us at RunMags. We're certainly happy to hear from you, but in case you don't go through your system administrator you may accidentally provide us with feedback that isn't grounded with your coverall company objectives.

Why we don't have phone support

We prefer online communication over phone for a few reasons, but here are the two main ones:

  1. Online support allows us to keep RunMags' pricing down, while maintaining a feature-rich application.

  2. Online support also helps our team gather system details and other information so that we can troubleshoot effectively. We'll send you resources like articles, videos, or personalized instructions to help you solve problems and get back to work.

Last updated

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